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Cultura Colectiva

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Latest news of the Latin American culture in your smartphone

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Cultura Colectiva is a news app for Android that focuses on the latest news in Latin American culture so you can easily keep up to date with the topics that interest you the most from the comfort of your smartphone.

Cultura Colectiva includes a wide variety of news that talk about the latest news, especially in Latin America, but there’s also a section that covers international news. The news articles are categorized according to topics such as technology, art, music, movies and literature so browsing through the app is really easy.

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The best part about this tool is that it gives you access to other news portals such as Daily News and Rocha News so you’ll be informed of the latest news and enjoy the focus, characteristics and advantages of having access to different platforms. Also, they’re all available from the same app which is incredibly convenient.

Cultura Colectiva is a must-have app if you’re looking for a tool that gives you access to the latest cultural news of Latin America but you also enjoy being informed of a wide variety of topics, and all of it right on your smartphone.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Information about Cultura Colectiva 1.1

Package Name cultura.colectiva
License Free
Op. System Android
Category News/Magazines
Language English
47 more
Author CodeRocha
Downloads 3,063
Date Jan 31, 2018
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 1 Jan 22, 2018

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